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Rooms & Suites

Feel like a modern nomad dwelling at Penh House, heart of the city, yet with all required high-end amenities...and spacious wardrobes.



  • Check-in time: 2:00 pm, check-out time: 2:00 pm
  • Luggage can be stored at the reception before check-in and after check-out
  • Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, JCB, Union Pay and ABA Pay accepted

Access to rooms is reserved to registered guests

With a soothing color palette and stylish setting, this room is by itself an oasis from city hassle. Large picture window offering calming view on timeless Phnom Penh, patio door leading to balcony.

indicative rate, high season
99 USD/405,900 riels
2 guests
up to 3 (2 adults, 1 child)
1 king-size bed
1 sofa bed
32 sqm
access to main swimming pool
rooftop pool
AC | ceiling fan
on site spa & fitness center
relax & stay fit
en-suite bathroom
1 shower, 1 sink, toilet
buffet breakfast included
at rooftop restaurant & lounge
Number of units in this category: 4

Praised by longer-stay guests, the best-selling Deluxe Double boasts the modern-nomad signature style of the hotel, a balcony with breathtaking views, and a large en-suite bathroom.

indicative rate, high season
111 USD/455,000 riels
2 guests
up to 3 (2 adults, 1 child)
1 king size bed
1 sofa bed
35 sqm
+ private balcony
access to main swimming pool
rooftop pool
on site spa & fitness center
relax & stay fit
separate bathroom
1 shower, 1 sink, toilet
buffet breakfast included
at rooftop restaurant & lounge
number of units in this category: 43

Uncommonly spacious for its price range, this roomy suite on upper levels is ideal for family stays.

indicative rate, high season
147 USD/603,000 riels
2 guests
up to 4 (2 adults, 2 children)
1 king-size bed
1 sofa bed, 1 extra bed on request
50 sqm
+large balcony on patio
access to main swimming pool
rooftop pool
AC | ceiling fans
on site spa & fitness center
relax & stay fit
separate bathroom
1 shower, 1 bath tub, 1 sink, toilet
buffet breaksfast included
at rooftop restaurant & lounge
number of units in this category: 5